Presentation: Efficient and Sustainable Unit Testing

Track: Sponsored Solutions Track II

Location: Bayview AB

Duration: 2:55pm - 3:45pm

Day of week:


"I hate unit testing!" Many developers feel this way, but why? We know we should write unit tests, but many of our codebases are not well tested due to the complexity and time it takes to write and maintain the tests. But there is good news – modern technologies and testing practices can make unit testing more efficient, palatable, and sustainable! In this session, Nathan will use real-world examples to describe how development teams can make unit testing work.

Topics include: Tooling that can generate portions of the unit test code, along with configuration of mocks, to make creating the tests easier and more efficient.

How to identify and run just the tests that are impacted by code changes within the IDE before code is committed to source control, and how to configure pull request workflows and CI test runs to only run the tests impacted by the code changes since the last full build, for cases where running all the unit tests takes too much time.

How to augment the unit test practice by collecting code coverage metrics from automated functional and UI test jobs, to increase coverage in areas of the code that are difficult to cover by unit tests.

Speaker: Nathan Jakubiak

Director of Development @Parasoft

Nathan Jakubiak is the Director of Development for Parasoft. He has been with Parasoft since 2000 and helped build industry-leading API Testing Solution - Parasoft SOAtest from the ground up. He recently took responsibility for the Parasoft Unit Test Assistant which helps developers automate the creation of Java-based unit tests.

Find Nathan Jakubiak at