2019 Tracks, Hosts and Workshops
“Microservices Patterns & Practices”, “Modern CS in the Real World”, “Optimizing Yourself: Human Skills for Individuals” were just some of the 18 editorial tracks at QCon San Francisco 2019. Take a look at the others and catch a glimpse of the QCon San Francisco 2019 workshops.
See the Tracks, Hosts and Workshops →2019 Trending Talks
Some of the top sessions from QCon San Francisco 2019 included “Scaling Patterns for Netflix's Edge” by Netflix’s Playback Edge Engineering Justin Ryan, and “Privacy Architecture for Data-Driven Innovation” by Uber’s Digital Product Architect Nishant Bhajaria.
Watch all the trending talks →2019 Keynotes
QCon San Francisco 2019 keynotes included Mike McGarr, Engineering Leader, Frontend Infrastructure at Slack, and Pat Helland, Software Architect at Salesforce.
Watch all the QCon San Francisco 2019 keynotes →2019 Photos and Testimonials
Relive the experience through our photos from the 13th edition of QCon San Francisco. Discover the impact QCon had on our attendees in their own words.
Discover the Experience →2019 Topics
Over 1500 attendees learned from practitioners working in innovator and early adopter companies about the topics that matter most in software today. Our technology adoption curve captures these topics:

Use our interactive chart to learn more about the 2019 sessions by topic
2019 Hosts and Tracks
What is a QCon track? Each "editorial" track (that's what we call the curated talks focused on developer lessons) is a collection of software topics curated by a domain expert in areas such as culture, data science, machine learning, front-end technologies, and architecture. Take a look at the QCon San Francisco 2019 hosts and tracks:
Colin Breck
Sr. Staff Software Engineer @Tesla
Microservices Patterns & Practices
What's the last mile for deploying your service? Learn techniques from the world's most innovative shops on ...
Randy Shoup
VP Engineering and Chief Architect @eBay, Previously @StitchFix @Google & @Ebay
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Hard-earned lessons from names you know on scalability, reliability, throughput, and performance.
Michelle Brush
Engineering Manager, SRE @Google
Production Readiness: Building Resilient Systems
Making systems resilient involves people and tech. Learn about strategies being used from chaos testing to distributed ...
Joe Duffy
Founder and CEO @PulumiCorp
Languages of Infrastructure
This track explores languages being used to code the infrastructure. Expect practices on toolkits and languages like ...
Monica Beckwith
Java Champion, First Lego League Coach, passionate about JVM Performance @Microsoft
JVM and its Ecosystem
JVM futures, JIT directions and improvements to the runtimes stack is the theme of this year’s JVM track.
Dylan Schiemann
CEO @SitePen
Pushing the Web Forward: JavaScript, Frameworks, Transpilers, and WebAssembly
JavaScript is the language of the web. Latest practices for JavaScript development in and how transpilers are affecting ...
Aysylu Greenberg
Senior Software Engineer @Google
Software Supply Chain
Life of a software artifact from commit to deployment. Security, observability and provenance of the software supply ...
Alex Qin
Founder @codecooperative
Socially Conscious Software
Power of leadership, Engineering Metrics and strategies for shaping the org for velocity.
Harry Brumleve
VP of Product and Technology @FixdRepair
Optimizing Yourself: Human Skills for Individuals
Better teams start with a better self. Learn practical skills for IC.
Gwen Shapira
Software Engineer @Confluent, PMC Member @Kafka, & Committer Apache Sqoop
Modern Data Architectures
Today’s systems move huge volumes of data. Hear how places like LinkedIn, Facebook, Uber and more built their ...
John Willis
Founder @botchagalupe
Practices of DevOps & Lean Thinking
Practical approaches using DevOps and a lean approach to delivering software.
Nitsan Wakart
Senior Software Engineer
Bare Knuckle Performance
Killing latency and getting the most out of your hardware
Michelle Casbon
Senior Engineer @Google, Kubeflow Technical Advisory Council Member
Machine Learning for Developers
AI/ML is more approachable than ever. Discover how deep learning and ML is being used in practice. Topics include: ...
Hoang Bao
Privacy and Data Governance Advisor, currently Principal at Virtual Privacy
Ethics, Regulation, Risk, and Compliance
With so much uncertainty, how do you bulkhead your organization and technology choices? Learn strategies for dealing ...
Katharina Probst
Senior Engineering Leader, Kubernetes & SaaS @Google
Building & Scaling High-Performing Teams
To have a high-performing team, everybody on it has to feel and act like an owner. Organizational health and ...
Anastasiia Voitova
Head of Customer Solutions, Security software engineer @CossackLabs
Trust, Safety & Security
Privacy, confidentiality, safety and security: learning from the frontlines.
Wes Reisz
QCon San Francisco Lead Chair, Co-host of the InfoQ Podcast, & Former VP of Technology @SectionIO
Living on the Edge: The World of Edge Compute From Device to Infrastructure Edge
IOT/IIOT, Federated Learning, Application Gateways, Serverless, Kubernetes, WASM/WASI all at the edge? This track ...
Werner Schuster
InfoQ Editor Functional Programming, QCon PC, Wolfram
Modern CS in the Real World
Thoughts pushing software forward, including consensus, CRDT's, formal methods & probabilistic programming.
2019 Workshops
QCon isn't just about the conference. QCon also offers a wide reach of workshops on the two days following the conference. We had an incredible lineup of workshops in 2019 that provided shorter technology-focused deep dives. This year’s topics included: Serverless, Containers, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, KSQL, Java, Microservices, Security and more:
Building Modern Web Applications with React and Redux
Steve KinneyPrincipal Engineer @SendGrid
Observing and Understanding Distributed Systems With OpenTelemetry (Afternoon Session)
Christine YenCofounder @honeycombio
Introduction to Kubeflow and Kubeflow Pipelines (Morning Session)
Amy UnruhStaff Developer Relations Engineer @Google Cloud Platform
Introduction to AI/ML for Software Engineers
Clarence ChioCTO @Unit21.ai and author of “Machine Learning & Security”
Chaos Engineering Bootcamp
Ana MedinaSoftware Engineer @Gremlin
Introduction to Terraform
Matt TurnerHead of Platform @ZigluMoney
Thinking Architecturally with Models
Nate SchuttaSoftware Architect Focused on UI Design
Responsible Microservices
Nate SchuttaSoftware Architect Focused on UI Design
Introduction to Kubeflow and Kubeflow Pipelines (Afternoon Session)
Amy UnruhStaff Developer Relations Engineer @Google Cloud Platform
Observing and Understanding Distributed Systems With OpenTelemetry (Morning Session)
Christine YenCofounder @honeycombio
Being Agile in a Remote Team
Shane HastieDirector of Agile Learning Programs @ICAgile
Starting Out Right - Building the Right Product
Shane HastieDirector of Agile Learning Programs @ICAgile
Web Service in Go
William KennedyManaging Partner @ardanlabs, Author of Go In Action, & Organizer of Go / Mongo Meetups in Miami
Kubernetes: an Under The Hood Tour
Stuart CharltonPlatform Architecture @pivotal
Adib SaikaliAdvisory Platform Architect @Pivotal
Maximizing Performance with GraalVM
Christian WimmerProject Lead of the Native Image Part of GraalVM @graalvm
Christopher WoodruffPlatform Strategist @QuickenLoans
Serverless (Knative)
James WardDeveloper Advocate @GCPcloud
Service Mesh Kick-Starter with Istio
Matt TurnerHead of Platform @ZigluMoney
2019 Keynotes
QCon San Francisco 2019 brought together incredible people who shared their insights to help software teams adopt new technologies and practices. Our keynote speakers are among the team leads, architects and software engineers moving our industry forward. Here are four takeaways from our 2019 keynotes:
Mike McGarr
Engineering Leader, Frontend Infrastructure @Slack
Microcultures and Finding Your Place
“We have a shared definition of culture. We only need to find our way through cultures. We need to find a culture we like or understand the culture we're in. The first thing each of us needs to do, which I'm just going to encourage you to do and not tell you ...”
Pamela Gay
Senior Scientist @planetarysci (Planetary Science Institute)
When Machine Learning Can't Replace the Human
“One of the biggest issues facing so many problems right now from self-driving cars to the algorithms that suggest our next video on YouTube, the next TV show on Netflix, is figuring out how to deal with the gray areas, how to deal with the multiple possible ...”
Molly Wright Steenson
AI, Ethics & Design: Author, Designer, Professor, Research Leader
It Really is a Series of Tubes
“Paris had the biggest tube network in the world until 1984, going out of service only when fax and phone service became reliable enough. This talk goes in-depth to one of the largest information networks of its day and provides an interesting historical ...”
Pat Helland
Software Architect @Salesforce
Mind Your State for Your State of Mind
“Different types of distributed stores offer various average speeds, variations in responsiveness, capacity, availability, and durability. This talk provides a partial taxonomy of diverse storage solutions available over a distributed cluster. Part of this is ...”
2019 Trending Talks
Catch up on the trending talks you missed from QCon San Francisco 2019.
Watch all videos with transcripts on InfoQ →
Scaling Patterns for Netflix's Edge
Justin Ryan Playback Edge Engineering @Netflix -
User & Device Identity for Microservices @ Netflix Scale
Satyajit Thadeshwar Senior Software Engineer in Product Edge Access Services Team @Netflix -
Architectures That Scale Deep - Regaining Control in Deep Systems
Ben Sigelman CEO and co-founder @LightStepHQ, Co-creator @OpenTracing API standard -
Managing Failure Modes in Microservice Architectures
Adrian Cockcroft VP Cloud Architecture Strategy @AWSCloud & Microservices Pioneer -
Controlled Chaos: Taming Organic, Federated Growth of Microservices
Tobias Kunze Co-founder and CEO @glasnostic -
Beyond Microservices: Streams, State and Scalability
Gwen Shapira Software Engineer @Confluent, PMC Member @Kafka, & Committer Apache Sqoop
The QCon Experience
QCon is dedicated to helping software developers who strive to bring innovation in their teams. Our commitment to empowering every software professional is reflected in our "We Care" philosophy. We designed QCon as a place where everyone feels safe to express themselves, learn, and succeed in adopting new technology and practices that create change and innovation.
See all conference photos

The QCon Impact
QCon San Francisco isn’t just a software conference. It’s the place where senior software engineers, tech leads, and architects come together to learn, share, and push each other to drive innovation in the software industry. Find out what attendees had to say about their experience at QCon San Francisco 2019.
Andrian Budantsov CTO @ReaddleINC QCon is all about software engineering and actually covers a very wide variety of topics. It is not limited to a specific technology or vendor. That's why it's great.
QCon San Francisco 2019
Andrew Overton System Software Developer @American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company I think that QCon does a very good job of bringing in some of the smartest technical minds on the leading edge of software development.
QCon San Francisco 2019
Terri Policy Senior Software Engineer @Surescripts I would definitely recommend QCon. One big reason is that it is not sponsored by a specific vendor so it isn't mostly just a big marketing event for the conference sponsor. I am impressed with the commitment to socially conscious software engineering and ethics, the commitment to equal representation in our industry and to fighting discrimination.
QCon San Francisco 2019
Posting group photo per #QConSFTeam #QConSF @QConSF request. You too could have a #SheRulesQCon team photo - backdrop is on Seacliff level by registration! pic.twitter.com/xk3mVmBIk1
— Karen Casella (@kcasella) November 12, 2019
It was such an honor to speak @QConSF about the work that I do. This is a really impressive conference and I loved talking with and learning from other speakers & attendees. We need more Microsoftees out here! Many thanks to @breckcs for the invite! #QConSF https://t.co/VXdevP1HBO
— Chris Gillum (@cgillum) November 13, 2019 -
#QConSF is coming to an end for me tonight. Attended some very interesting talks by many great speakers and thought leaders. Lots of ideas to reflect on. Hopefully I can come back next year. Thank you @wesreisz and team for organizing this! pic.twitter.com/tXqi6VICDb
— Emmanuel Ballerini (@emballerini) November 14, 2019 -
Just finished up attending #QConSF and I had an amazing time. A great place to hear about the newest challenges Tech is facing... and more importantly, how we're solving them!
— Jameson Lee (@JamesonL) November 14, 2019 -
A little blurry means, "we're having such a great time we can only spare a second to snap a photo before we're on to the next thing!"
— MojoTech (@MojoTech) November 14, 2019
Glad our Mojos are having a great time at @QConSF. pic.twitter.com/YBTfgFIfli
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