Killing latency and getting the most out of your hardware - find out how to improve the end to end developer experience including design, development, testing and deployment. If you want to learn about state of the art performance approaches and solutions then this is the track for you. You can learn about how to achieve low latency, how to make the best use of your underlying hardware and how to solve problems on a global scale.
Track: Bare Knuckle Performance
Location: Pacific DEKJ
Day of week:

Track Host: Nitsan Wakart
The Perf Smurf™. An experienced performance engineer with decades of programming experience ranging from finance to commercial JVM implementations, Nitsan started writing software as a child and is unable to stop. A blogger, public speaker, open source contributor, instructor, JUG organizer and Java Champion, Nitsan is the lead developer on the JCTools project, the concurrency library of choice for Netty, DSE and many others. When not plotting world domination, Nitsan enjoys piña coladas and getting caught in the rain.
10:35am - 11:25am
High Resolution Performance Telemetry at Scale
One of the most critical aspects of running large distributed systems is understanding and quantifying performance. Without telemetry it is challenging to diagnose performance issues, plan for capacity needs, and tune for maximum efficiency. Even when we have telemetry, the resolution is insufficient to capture anomalies and bursty behaviors that are typical in microservice architectures.
In this talk, we explore the issues of resolution in performance monitoring, cover sources of performance telemetry including hardware performance and eBPF, and learn some tricks for getting high resolution telemetry without high costs.
11:50am - 12:40pm
Does Java Need Inline Types? What Project Valhalla Can Bring to Java
Inline/value types are the key part of experimental project Valhalla which should bring new abilities to Java language. It's a story not only about performance, but it's also a story about safety, abstraction, expressiveness, maintainability, etc. But in this session we will talk about performance. Which performance benefits inline types bring to Java and how we could exploit it.
1:40pm - 2:30pm
Fault Tolerance at Speed
Distributed systems providing fault tolerance often sacrifice performance. The sacrifice often happens late when a systems engineering approach is not taken. Performance is an inherent aspect of distributed design and should be considered holistically in the systems engineering process. A well designed distributed system can be both fault-tolerant and fast.
In this session, we discuss the techniques and lessons learned from implementing the Aeron Cluster. The focus will be on how Raft can be implemented on Aeron, minimizing the network round trip overhead, and comparing a single process to a fully distributed cluster. Come to this session if interested in how performance can be a first-class design concern and the results which can be delivered.
4:10pm - 5:00pm
JIT vs AOT Performance With GraalVM
In this session we are going to talk about various aspects of performance, such as peak throughput, startup, memory footprint and more, and how you can optimize your applications for them with GraalVM. GraalVM is a high-performance virtual machine, bringing new performance optimizations for individual languages and seamless interoperability for polyglot applications.
In particular, we’ll discuss JIT and AOT compilation and and talk about their advantages and trade-offs. Also, we’ll go through some practical examples comparing JIT compilation with HotSpot and GraalVM, JIT and AOT, improving AOT with profile-guided optimizations and more.
5:25pm - 6:15pm
Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned
Our disks and networks can load gigabytes of data per second; we feel strongly that our software should follow suit. Thus we wrote what might be the fastest JSON parser in the world, simdjson. It can parse typical JSON files at speeds of over 2 GB/s on single commodity Intel core with full validation; it is several times faster than conventional parsers.
How did we go so fast? We started with the insight that we should make full use of the SIMD instructions available on commodity processors. These instructions are everywhere, from the ARM chip in your smartphone all to way to server processors. SIMD instructions work on wide registers (e.g., spanning 32 bytes): they are faster because they process more data using fewer instructions. To our knowledge, nobody had ever attempted to produce a full parser for something as complex as JSON by relying primarily on SIMD instructions. And many people were skeptical that a full parser could be done fruitfully with SIMD instructions. We had to develop interesting new strategies that are generally applicable. In the end, we learned several lessons. Maybe one of the most important lesson is the importance of a nearly obsessive focus on performance metrics. We constantly measure the impact of the choices we make.
Last Year's Tracks
Monday, 1 November
Microservices / Serverless Patterns & Practices
Evolving, observing, persisting, and building modern microservices
Practices of DevOps & Lean Thinking
Practical approaches using DevOps & Lean Thinking
JavaScript & Web Tech
Beyond JavaScript in the Browser. Exploring WebAssembly, Electron, & Modern Frameworks
Modern CS in the Real World
Thoughts pushing software forward, including consensus, CRDT's, formal methods, & probabilistic programming
Modern Operating Systems
Applied, practical, & real-world deep-dive into industry adoption of OS, containers and virtualization, including Linux on Windows, LinuxKit, and Unikernels
Optimizing You: Human Skills for Individuals
Better teams start with a better self. Learn practical skills for IC
Open Spaces
Tuesday, 2 November
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Next-gen architectures from the most admired companies in software, such as Netflix, Google, Facebook, Twitter, & more
21st Century Languages
Lessons learned from languages like Rust, Go-lang, Swift, Kotlin, and more.
Emerging Trends in Data Engineering
Showcasing DataEng tech and highlighting the strengths of each in real-world applications.
Bare Knuckle Performance
Killing latency and getting the most out of your hardware
Socially Conscious Software
Building socially responsible software that protects users privacy & safety
Delivering on the Promise of Containers
Runtime containers, libraries, and services that power microservices
Open Spaces
Wednesday, 3 November
Applied AI & Machine Learning
Applied machine learning lessons for SWEs, including tech around TensorFlow, TPUs, Keras, PyTorch, & more
Production Readiness: Building Resilient Systems
More than just building software, building deployable production ready software
Developer Experience: Level up your Engineering Effectiveness
Improving the end to end developer experience - design, dev, test, deploy, operate/understand.
Security: Lessons Attacking & Defending
Security from the defender's AND the attacker's point of view
Future of Human Computer Interaction
IoT, voice, mobile: Interfaces pushing the boundary of what we consider to be the interface
Enterprise Languages
Workhorse languages found in modern enterprises. Expect Java, .NET, & Node in this track