Presentation: Building Resilient Mobile Apps With Couchbase Mobile


Location: Marina

Duration: 10:35am - 11:25am

Day of week:


Murphy’s Laws state "things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance". Unfortunately, mobile developers know this all too well when it comes to network reliability. In the face of such instability and increasing customer expectations, how can developers deliver immersive, uninterrupted user experiences within their apps?

In this session we'll take a look at how Couchbase Mobile offering allows you to seamlessly store, retrieve, and synchronize your data to create truly resilient mobile apps.

Speaker: Oleg Kuzmin

Sr. Solutions Engineer @coachbasepro

Oleg Kuzmin has been writing code since the 90's. As a solution engineer at Couchbase, he gets a chance to work with lots of new technologies. Mobile dev is something he's been playing with for the last couple of years, and he's happy to share the stories of his triumphs and failures.

Find Oleg Kuzmin at