Presentation: A/B Testing at Scale with Open Source Proctor

Track: Sponsored Solutions Track II

Location: Marina

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Architect, CTO/CIO/Leadership, Developer, DevOps Engineer, General Software, Technical Engineering Manager


Indeed has been conducting A/B tests for a decade on millions of job seekers around the world. Over the years, we learned a lot. Many of our practices are built into Proctor, our open source A/B testing framework.

In this talk, I will cover requirements for A/B testing at scale, the architecture and algorithms behind Proctor, and best practices for running A/B tests. Learn how you can apply Proctor in your own products to get the benefits of rapid, data-driven experimentation.

Speaker: Ketan Gangatirkar

Senior Director of Engineering - Job Seeker Products @Indeed

Ketan Gangatirkar leads teams building software that helps people get jobs. These teams experiment on millions of people to get better and better at helping them get jobs, which only rarely leads to deadly mutations. When he's not experimenting on job seekers, he experiments on his three children, which statisticians call “lacking validity” and his neighbors call “immoral” and “appalling.”

Find Ketan Gangatirkar at