Presentation: Gaining Control with the Web Animations API

Track: Web as Platform

Location: Pacific LMNO

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Beginner

Persona: Developer, Front-end Developer, Technical Engineering Manager


We've enjoyed CSS transitions and animations for several years, with their broad support and ability to get key performance gains. Now the Web Animations API is here and growing, so what does this let us do through JavaScript?

Through several examples, we will take a look at how this new JavaScript API came to be and how it compares to the alternate ways to animate on the web. We will work through its added benefits like timelines, controls, and its dynamic nature in addition to detailing what is available today and coming soon.

Speaker: Dan Wilson

Web Engineer @MutualMobile

Dan is a Consulting Web Engineer with Mutual Mobile in Austin, TX where he focuses on building large scale web projects and hybrid mobile apps across many industries. He enjoys making sure the web works for everyone whether that be on large screens or devices with no screen.

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