Keynote: Building the Enchanted Land
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Allen Newell, one of the founders of the field of artificial intelligence, once observed that "computer technology offers the possibility of incorporating intelligent behavior in all the nooks and crannies of our world. With it, we could build an enchanted land." Given recent advances in computational power, data curation, and machine learning, it seems we are ready to cross the threshold into that new world. To some, AI represents an existential risk to humanity; to others, AI is a disruptive technology that compels us to rethink everything. In our experience, AI is neither to be feared nor something by which to be overwhelmed: rather, it is yet another - albeit very powerful - component by which we may craft software-intensive systems of lasting value. In this presentation, we'll examine what AI is and what it is not, as well as how it came to be and where it's headed. Along the way, we'll examine some best practices for engineering AI systems.