Presentation: Kotlin: Write Once, Run (Actually) Everywhere

Track: 21st Century Languages

Location: Pacific DEKJ

Duration: 11:50am - 12:40pm

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Developer, Developer, JVM, Mobile Developer

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Kotlin used to be described as a new language for the JVM which aims to fix some of the pain points of Java. But more recently Kotlin is also a language for the web, iOS, desktop, embedded, and just about anywhere else code can run. JetBrains, the creators of Kotlin, have placed a strong emphasis on targeting multiple platforms in how the language is compiled, its language features, and the standard libraries. This talk will be an exploration of the Kotlin language, how it compiles to run on more than just the JVM, and whether it can fully pull off the multiplatform trick allowing a single codebase to run everywhere.

Speaker: Jake Wharton

Android Engineer @Google

Engineer at Google working on Kotlin tools, libraries, and guides for Android development.

Find Jake Wharton at

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