Speaker: Karthik Ranganathan

Co-Founder & CTO @YugaByte

"Karthik received his BS and MS in CS from IIT-M and UT Austin. Karthik was instrumental in driving adoption of scale-out databases like Cassandra and HBase at Facebook across several mission-critical verticals, and has worked with a number of companies trying to adopt these technologies as a part of the open source community. He is an open source HBase committer, and also an early contributor to Cassandra at Facebook, before it was open sourced by Facebook. Karthik started working on Cassandra 10 years ago - before it was called Cassandra and well before the world knew of it. He then went on to work on the guts of HBase, adding features that would make it an enterprise-grade NoSQL data platform powering 8-10 very large use cases within Facebook with many petabytes of data in it. He worked again on Apache Cassandra at Nutanix where it had been heavily modified to support strong consistency and use as a highly reliable metadata store. He is now the Co-Founder and CTO at YugaByte, building an open source cloud-native database for mission-critical applications.

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