SQL Over Streams
Past Presentations
Streaming SQL Foundation: Why I ❤ Streams+Tables
What does it mean to execute robust streaming queries in SQL? What is the relationship of streaming queries to classic relational queries? Are streams and tables the same thing conceptually, or different? And how does all of this relate to the programmatic frameworks like we’re all familiar...
Tyler Akidau
Engineer @Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam
Panel: SQL Over Streams, Ask the Experts
Queries over streams are generally "continuous," executing for long periods of time and returning incremental results. Yet operations over streams must have the ability to be monotonic. New Generation of Stream Processing Engines has added support for Stream SQL. This AMA / panel features a...
Julian Hyde
Original Developer @ApacheCalcite, Co-Founder SQLstream, & Architect @Hortonworks
Tyler Akidau
Engineer @Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam
Jay Kreps
Co-Founder and CEO @Confluent
Michael Armbrust
Initial Author of Apache Spark SQL & Leads Streaming Team @Databricks
Stephan Ewen
Committer @ApacheFlink, CTO @dataArtisans