Monitoring and Tracing @Netflix Streaming Data Infrastructure
Netflix streaming data infrastructure transports trillions of events per day and supports hundreds of streaming processing jobs. The team behind it is small and there is no separate operations team. To efficiently manage and operate this huge infrastructure and reduce operational burden for...
Past Presentations
Designing Services for Resilience Testing @Netflix
As an industry, we focus on designing microservices for availability. However, we don’t tend to speak about enabling these same services for resiliency testing. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need resiliency testing, but that’s not the reality we are currently facing. This talk covers...
Expedia’s Journey Toward Site Resiliency
Those coming from product-driven organizations—where product features are often prioritized over resiliency-related concerns—will understand how challenging it can be to convince teams to do resiliency work. In this presentation we’ll share Expedia’s resiliency journey, starting with...
Building Resilience in Production Migrations
How do you migrate stateful systems with confidence? Especially when downtime is not an option? Netflix Billing Infrastructure needs to be up 24/7 to support 130+ million global customers. Billing services are the source of truth for a customer’s billing state which changes as customers...
What are your areas of expertise? What have you been working on?
I've been working in the space of edge computing. A lot of people ask what is edge computing? I like to use the Linux Foundation’s definition from The State of the Edge Report from a couple of years ago. It focuses on the notion of the last mile, that last bit of compute that a telco might give an end-user. That's things... Read Full Interview
Building Resilience in Production Migrations
What's the focus of the work that you do today?
I lead Billing Infrastructure Engineering at Netflix. We build the infrastructure that helps Netflix collect charges from its members. Part of that is to determine who should be charged and how much through our systems. We also hold all the gift codes and balances and track them. We also support major customer workflows. Our services...
Read Full Interview