Understand the Trade-Offs Using Compilers for Java Applications
The Java ecosystem has perhaps the most rich variety of native code compilation technologies of any language on the planet. We have Just In Time (JIT) compilers aggressively profiling and speculating on the state of a running program. There are Ahead of Time (AOT) compilers that generate code...
Java 8 LTS to the Latest - a Performance & Responsiveness Prospective
If you are wondering as what Java JDK 8u LTS to JDK 11u LTS transition can do to your production deployment for performance and responsiveness, this talk is your perfect opportunity! Java runtimes are at the core of any business enterprise in cloud or on-prem and this track at QConSF plans to...
Life After 8
New Java releases are coming faster than ever now that we are well into the six-month release cadence. The number of new features and APIs in each version is less than we’re used to, but the overall rate of change is faster than ever.In this session, we’ll look at the realities of...
Continuous Monitoring With JDK Flight Recorder (JFR)
JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is a powerful monitoring and troubleshooting framework built directly into the Java runtime. Designed to be on in production, JFR has access to all the internal data of the JVM and can capture and surface data on a fine-grained level with extremely low overhead.This talk...
Panel: Startup and VM Futures
A lot of the techniques and approaches that we use for developing and improving software performance are tried and tested rather than innovative - but where does that leave startups who leverage the VM? What does the future hold?