Presentation: Advanced Debugging AMA w/ Idit Levine & Tal Weiss

Track: Speaker AMAs (Ask Me Anything)

Location: Waterfront CDE

Day of week:


Speaker: Idit Levine

Founder and CEO of

Idit Levine is the founder and CEO of, where she is aiming to streamline the cloud stack. Prior to founding, Idit was the CTO of the cloud management division at EMC and a member of its global CTO Office. At EMC, Idit lead, designed and implemented project UniK, an open source platform for automating unikernels compilation and deployment and project layer-x, an open source framework for cross-cluster scheduling . At solo, Idit recently released Squash, an open source platform for debugging microservices applications.

Find Idit Levine at

Speaker: Tal Weiss

Co-founder and CTO @OverOps

Tal Weiss is the CTO and co-founder of OverOps. He has been designing scalable, real-time Java and C++ applications for the past 15 years. Previously, he was co-founder and CEO at VisualTao which was acquired by Autodesk. Following the acquisition, he served as the director of the AutoCAD Web and Mobile product line used by 12 million professional users worldwide.

Find Tal Weiss at

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