Presentation: Taking Advantage of Advances in Mobile Hardware

Track: Hardware Frontiers: Changes Affecting Software Developers Today

Location: Pacific LMNO

Day of week:


As part of the engineering team at MZ we have been constantly updating the game engine that runs the highly successful Game of War: Fire Age, Mobile Strike, and Final Fantasy XV a New Empire mobile games. We have taken the engine from its 2D sprite-based roots and turned it into a full-fledged 3D engine with advanced rendering and animation features. We will present our unique solutions to the problems that arose while trying to create the best experience possible on new hardware without alienating customers with older, less-powerful devices.

Speaker: Michael Bunnell

Graphics Programmer & Academy Award Winning Computer Graphics Researcher

Michael Bunnell is a Sci-Tech Academy Award winning graphics researcher and software engineer. He has written several chapters for the popular GPU Gems series of books on lighting, shadowing, and subdivision surface tessellation. He has spoken at GDC as a member of NVIDIA’s original shader compiler team. He also presented at SIGGRAPH as a member of a panel on global illumination. Michael has been working in the mobile game industry for over five years, and is currently at MZ, where he is in charge of the graphics portion their game engine.

Find Michael Bunnell at

Speaker: David Redkey

Senior Software Engineer, Video Games, 3D Graphics, C++, Mobile

Find David Redkey at