Presentation: Writing High Performance Go

Track: 21st Century Languages

Location: Pacific DEKJ

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Developer, Front-end Developer, Technical Engineering Manager


Go programs are often deployed in environments where low latency and high throughput are a must. In this talk, we'll study three aspects of writing high-performance Go applications, including:

  • How to write effective benchmarks (and interpret their results, including some traps for young players and advice on how to avoid them).
  • How to use the tools built into the Go runtime to gain an understanding of how your application is performing.
  • Understanding the Go garbage collector and writing GC friendly code.

Speaker: Dave Cheney

Software Engineer & Core Contributor to Go-lang

David is a software engineer from Sydney, Australia. He has been a contributor to the Go project since 2011 and travels to speak regularly about all things related to the Go programming language.

Find Dave Cheney at