Presentation: Design Strategies for Building Safer Platforms

Track: Socially Conscious Software

Location: Seacliff ABC

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Developer, Technical Engineering Manager

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Building user safety into the foundation of technology we create is everyone’s responsibility. But it can be difficult to ensure your development processes are prioritizing your users’ well being. Whether or not you have research or UX/product design resources, there are ways to get your team collaborating on inclusive software.

This talk will provide design strategies that the Community & Safety team at GitHub uses to design safer, more consensual features and discuss how you can incorporate them into your own engineering teams’ processes.

Speaker: Kat Fukui

Product Designer @github

Kat Fukui is a product designer on the Community & Safety team at GitHub, building welcoming and productive communities. 

Find Kat Fukui at

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