Past Presentations

I Have a NoSQL Toaster

My toaster stores data without SQL and without tables. But making a choice based on what something doesn’t have isn’t terribly useful. “NoSQL” is an increasingly inaccurate catch-all term that covers a lot of different types of data storage. Let’s make more sense of this new breed of...

Nic Raboy Senior Developer Advocate @Couchbase
YugaByte: Cloud-Native DB Converging SQL & NoSQL

Today’s public and private clouds are built to run cloud-native applications architected for shared-nothing, scale-out, commodity infrastructure that can fail often. They give enterprises easy access to a number of geo-distributed datacenters for increased availability and fault-tolerance but...

Karthik Ranganathan Co-Founder & CTO @YugaByte
Power of Graph Algorithms to Understand Your Data

Neo4j just released an open source library of graph algorithms that run directly in their open source graph database. These algorithms, callable from Cypher, enable clustering & community detection, centrality measurement, and more. Applying these algorithms, developers can create better...

Ryan Boyd Engineer & Head @DevRel
Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j

What do graph databases, GraphQL, geospatial data, and data science with graph algorithms have in common? The graph datamodel! Learn how to build a fullstack application using Neo4j leveraging these technologies. We'll cover all the pieces and show how they fit together, starting with an...

William Lyon Software Engineer @neo4j

With the official release of version 8.0, MySQL is the only database to offer both SQL and NoSQL data access – delivering the best of both worlds to Developers, DevOps, and DBA teams alike. This presentation guides you through the basics of the MySQL Document Store and how to use the X DevAPI...

Nicolas DeRico MySQL Principal Sales Consultant

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