Presentation: Linux Foundation's Project EVE: A Cloud-Native Edge Computing Platform
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Connecting IoT devices to the Internet is nothing new. Deploying and running real-time cloud-native applications at hyperscale on the mesh fabric of these devices is. Edge Computing evolves Cloud Computing by keeping what's great about the Cloud model (developer friendly APIs and Software-defined everything) yet applying it to the harsh physical and security environments of IoT and IIoT deployments. While IoT is making the world cyber-physical, Edge Computing promises to make it manageable and truly software-defined, thus making familiar cloud-native applications live life on the edge forever unshackled from the confines of a datacenter.
At the same time, Edge is not yet another datacenter. Its unique requirements make it virtually impossible to take existing software projects that are powering cloud-native infrastructures and apply them to the Edge as-is.
In this talk we will cover design and implementation of a novel Edge Computing platform created at ZEDEDA Inc. and later used as a founding project for the Linux Foundation's LF Edge initiative. We will focus on this new, special purpose, open source operating environment that aims to run securely on billions of ARM and x86 devices. The name of the project is EVE (Edge Virtualization Engine) and its ambition in life is to become to Edge Computing what Android has become to Mobile computing. We will walk you through the unique challenges that EVE has to tackle and will provide hands-on advice on how it enables the same DevOps-driven, high velocity developer culture that is now ubiquitous in the cloud environments.
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