Presentation: DevOps 2.0 - When Everyone Can Run What’s Built

Track: Sponsored Solutions Track III

Location: Pacific BC

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Beginner

Persona: Architect, CTO/CIO/Leadership, Developer


The cultural change of “DevOps” beyond just developers and operations is just at the beginning.

What happens when an entire organization changes from shipping once a year to once a month, then multiple times a month, week or even daily?

How do developers approach a sprint when their code can be live in real time?

How does product management change when features can evolve daily?

How does marketing change when the features of tomorrow can be immediately influenced by response to messaging today?

We’re at the very beginning of thinking of code as a living object instead of a static file thrown over the wall.

Speaker: Edith Harbaugh

CEO & Co-Founder @LaunchDarkly

Edith Harbaugh is CEO & co-founder of LaunchDarkly. She has more than 15 years of experience in software engineering, including at the #1 travel app, TripIt. She is cohost of "To Be Continuous", a podcast on software trends by and a columnist for ReadWrite. She holds two patents in deployment. Edith earned a BS, Engineering from Harvey Mudd College.

Find Edith Harbaugh at

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