Presentation: CLR/CoreCLR: How We Got Here & Where We're Going

Track: Enterprise Languages

Location: Bayview AB

Duration: 11:50am - 12:40pm

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Developer, Developer, .NET, General Software

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Let's chat about the work the CLR/CoreCLR team has been doing to move .NET development forward. Then we'll discuss what the future looks like for developers working with the CLR and CoreCLR. TLDR; The future is pretty bright.

Speaker: Mei-Chin Tsai

Principal Dev Manager for .NET Language and Runtime @Microsoft

Mei-Chin Tsai is Principal Group Software Engineer Manager at Microsoft. Her team owns C#/VB compilers and .NET runtime (often referred as CLR). Many of .NET innovation has been successful over her watch/supervision such as .NET native (a pure ahead of time compiler) and low allocation APIs (Span<T> and Memory<T>). She is passionate about making developers successful through languages and through a performing runtime. 

Find Mei-Chin Tsai at

Speaker: Jared Parsons

Principal Developer Lead on C# Language Team @Microsoft

Developer on the C# compiler and member of the C# language design team. Have a strong passion for developer tools and infrastructure. 

Find Jared Parsons at