Presentation: Six Things I've Learned as a Manager I Wish I Knew Before

Track: Optimizing Yourself: Human Skills for Individuals

Location: Ballroom BC

Duration: 4:10pm - 5:00pm

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I am a software developer with almost 15 years of experience. But I also was an engineering manager for 3+ years. And you know what? While being a manager I've learned some things I wish I knew in the beginning of my career. 

When you are a developer, it may seem that writing good code and building reliable architecture is the only thing you need to do if you want to succeed at work. However, it turns out that this is only a part of what makes one a good developer (and then senior, lead, principal etc.). This may be obscure to you at first, but if you get lucky and can take a manager's point of view for a while, the missing bits will reveal.

I was a manager, and recently I switched back to engineering. And I want to tell other engineers what they may change in their work to be more successful. This will be a talk full of personal stories about my own mistakes and achievements, with a grain of some valuable insights I've learned along the way.

Speaker: Georgiy Mogelashvili

Lead Developer @bookingcom

In his 10+ years experience, Georgiy had a chance to work for small local companies, country scale enterprises, non-profit organizations and international corporations.

Today Georgiy is working at, world's leading online travel agency. During his 5 years of experience there he changed different teams and roles. Starting as developer in upper funnel, later working as Team Leader in corporate travels segment, he is now working as Lead Developer and looks after tech in the marketing department.

In his spare time, Georgiy likes constructing Lego Technic creations, planespotting in airports around the world, and spending time with his wife and little daughter.

Find Georgiy Mogelashvili at