Presentation: Mapping the Evolution of Socio-Technical Systems
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Is it any accident that devops was born at the same time cloud computing and platform as a service were exploding in popularity? Technology, process, and culture necessarily evolve together. Wouldn’t it be great to anticipate these critical shifts and changes, to be sensitized to the coevolution of technology, process, and culture? That would be a huge advantage!
Wardley Maps are increasingly becoming a key practice in a lean thinker’s toolbox. The Wardley Mapping practice can be used to examine trends and options in context rather than falling victim to the tempting allure of buzzwords. That’s right, no more making your blockchain AI totally serverless through the digital transformation of modernized hybrid-clouds. This session will use Wardley Maps to examine the evolution of computing and explore potential futures. Attendees will leave ready and excited to start mapping!
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