Presentation: Taking the Canary Out of the Coal Mine

Track: Security: Lessons Attacking & Defending

Location: Pacific DEKJ

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Security Professional

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In this talk, we'll discuss how canaries can take all shapes and sizes: Web servers, network devices, cloud instances, and numerous token variants. We'll dig into what actually is a canary, modern canary tools and services, how deploying canaries will provide an early warning against even the most careful attackers - and perhaps most importantly - how automating their deployment can give every device in your environment a means to let you know they're being tampered with; intrusion detection at scale.

Speaker: Mike Ruth

Staff Security Engineer @Cruise Automation

Mike is a Staff Security Engineer at Cruise Automation, where he helps in securing one of the world’s best autonomous vehicle platforms. Previously a security lead in VMware's cloud management division, Mike has close to a decade of experience securing, designing, and deploying cloud infrastructure and enterprise storage systems.

Find Mike Ruth at